Cubelelo Blogs

Why Rubik’s Cubes are the perfect Stress Reliever for both Kids and Adults?
A vast majority of people deal with stress by distracting themselves with a hobby or pastime. They like to choose hobbies where they c...

Why the Rubik's Cube is the World's Most Popular Puzzle
In a world filled with puzzles, games, and challenges, one specific puzzle stands out as an unrivaled contender - “The Rubik's Cube”. With its vibr...

Speed Cube Lube Service: How and Why to do it.
You might have heard of the term “lubing”. The word “lubing” is slang used in the cubing community, meaning lubricating. What do I mea...

Why You Should Never Hesitate To Attend Competitions
A WCA competition is a collective gathering of cubers, the main aim of which is to have fun cubing and garner a positive spirit of com...

Best Platform for Online Cubing Competitions (
Ever since the arrival of the Coronavirus in March 2020, offline cubing competitions became impossible to organize due to the dangerou...

Muscle Memory in Speedcubing
What is Muscle Memory?
What is muscle memory? Well, according to the Oxford dictionary, muscle memory is defined as “the ability to reproduce a par...

How Large is the Number of Permutations for a Rubik's Cube
When you ask a speedcuber how many possible combinations a speed cube has, every one of them knows this answer by heart. They all say ...

Why Speedcubing is Beneficial to the Mind as well as the Body
Speedcubing is viewed as a hobby more than a sport, but at the highest levels of competition, it is nothing less than a sport. Just like other spor...