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Buy Qiyi Cubes Online In India
Qiyi Mofangge also known as Qiyi is a cube manufacturing brand which is known for its amazing products in nearly all categories of WCA. Its sub-brands, The Valk and X-Man Design manufacture an amazing collection of speedcubes that usually ranks top.
This brand's journey began back in 2015 when it released the Qiyi Bullfight. It is known for the controversy involving this and the Newisland Phoenix.
The first cube which really put them on the map was the Qiyi Thunderclap. This cube was similar to an Mf3rs3 M 2020 back in the day. It was cheap, had good corner cutting and amazing performance. Many fast speedcubers, especially Chris Olson, loved this puzzle!
Another product that made Qiyi a force in the cubing industry was its Square-1. Released back in 2016, this puzzle was the first stickerless square one and is mainly known for absolutely destroying all other square ones in terms of quality and performance.
Why Qiyi Cubes?
Qiyi cubes have a distinctive crunchy yet soft feeling which is quite unique. They are known for their primary internals and great stickerless shades.
Solving Qiyi cubes also help to enhance a person's cognitive skills and finger tricks. They are great for all age groups and we would highly recommend you to get one right now!
Top QiYi Cubes
QiYi Warrior W 3x3, QiYi MS 3x3 Magnetic, QiYi Timer Black, QiYi MS Pyraminx Magnetic, QiYi MS 2x2 Magnetic, QiYi Warrior S 3x3, QiYi QiHeng S Megaminx Sculpture
Other than QiYi cubes we have wide collections of DaYan, ShengShou, MoFang JioShi, YuXin, Robotime, YJ
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