Pyraminx | Skewb | Square-1 | Megaminx | Clock
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Buy Pyraminx/Pyramid Cube Online In India
The Pyraminx is a regular tetrahedron puzzle, similar to Rubik’s cube. It was created by Uwe Meffert and launched in 1981 by the Japanese company Tomy Toys (then the third largest toy company in the world).
Orientation of Pyraminx:
This puzzle is in the shape of 4 axial pieces, 6 edge pieces, and 4 trivial tips. The pieces can be permuted by twisting along the cuts. The axial pieces are octahedral in shape, but you can only rotate around the axis they are attached to.
Pyraminx Records :
The first official Pyraminx WCA (World Cube Association) competition was held in 2003 and won by Andy Bellenir, who solved the puzzle in approximately 14.09 seconds.
Top Pyraminx Brands :
GAN, QiYi, MoYu, YJ, ShengShou, YuXin, MFJS
Buy Skewb Cubes Online In India
The Skewb can be pictured as a combination of the 3x3 cube and the triangle cube. Invented by Tony Durham and marketed by Uwe Meffert, it was recognized as an official WCA event in December 2013.
It is cubical in shape but differs from a Rubik’s Cube in the sense that the axes of this puzzle pass through the corner pieces, rather than the center pieces. So, there are 4 axes instead of 3 and so, each twist affects pieces on all 6 faces of the puzzle. There are 6 center pieces and 8 corner pieces, with no edge pieces on the puzzle.
Records (+Fun Fact!)
The first ever WCA competition of Skewb was held in India (Telesis Open 2014), and so the first record were held by Abhishek Sathyanarayanan, solved in 13.70 seconds and Santosh Tantravahi for a single time solve of 9.21 seconds.
The present skewb solving time is 0.93 seconds by Andrew Huang and 2.03 seconds Lukasz Burliga. The improvement has been gigantic, owing to the development of better hardware as well as better methods.
Popular Skewb Cube Brands
MoYu, QiYi (and X-Man), YuXin, GAN,
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