- 12+ Years
- 13 Years and Above
- 2-5 Years: Inspire curiosity and joy with delightful toys for your little one!
- 2x2 Cubes
- 2x2 Recommendations by Team Cubelelo
- 3-7 Years
- 3x3 Courses
- 3x3 Magic Cubes
- 3x3 Magnetic Cube
- 3x3 Recommendations by Team Cubelelo
- 4+ years
- 4x4 Cubes
- 4x4 Recommendation by Team Cubelelo
- 5+ years
- 8-12 Years
- Add On (Lube & xSKills)
- Add on Cube Lubricants
- Addons
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- All
- All Competitions
- All Other Puzzles
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- Bestseller Picker (3x3)
- Bestseller Picker (accessories)
- Bestseller picker (explore)
- Bestseller Picker (other)
- Bestsellers
- Big Cubes (5x5 to 13x13)
- Brain Booster Boxes
- Bundle Offers
- Buy 3 for 20% off
- BUY3 at 2499
- Buy3 at 4999
- BUy3 at 999
- BYOB Beginner
- BYOB Montessori Toys
- Calendar Puzzle
- Casual T-Shirts
- Classic 3D Wooden Puzzles
- Clearance Sale
- Competitions
- Cube Lubricants
- CubeInk
- Cubelelo
- Cubelelo Cube Lubricants
- Cubelelo Drift
- Cuber's Recommended
- Cubexprt
- Cubing Accessories
- Cubing T-Shirt for Xskills
- Cubing T-Shirts
- Curated Combo
- Custom
- Cyclone Boys
- DaYan
- DianSheng
- DianSheng Galaxy
- Discontinued
- Discount Applicable
- DIY Miniature House
- Drift
- Drift (Magnetic)
- Drift 3M plus
- Drift 3M PLUS
- Drift 3M Plus v2 - Standard
- Drift Items
- Educational & Other Toys
- Expert
- Explore, Play, Learn: Exciting 5-8 Years Toys & Puzzle Collection
- Flagship
- Free Cube Stand
- GAN 14
- GAN Maglev UV & Matte | GAN Leap
- GAN Smart Cube & Timer
- Gift Box Without Lube
- Gift Boxes
- Gift Ideas
- Gift Wrap
- Gifting
- Great Deals
- Hoodies
- Ingenious Toys (New)
- Intermediate Bundle
- Intermediate Cubes
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Kids Cubes
- Kreativity
- Kreativity Boosters
- LanLan Cubes
- LeFun
- Limited Edition
- Lube Service
- Lubricant Bundle
- Magic Cube Clock
- Magnetic Cubes
- Manish_Custom
- Maru
- Mechanical Gears
- Megaminx Cubes
- Megaminx Recommendation by Team Cubelelo
- Merchandise (New)
- MFJS MeiLong Classroom Magnetic Series
- Mirror Cube
- MoFang JiaoShi
- MoYu
- New Arrivals
- New Arrivals & Re-Stocked
- New Arrivals Contlo
- New GAN Cubes
- No Add on
- Non Magnetic Cubes
- Official Puzzles
- Official WCA Competitions
- Offline Competitions
- Other Accessories
- Other Bold Add Ons
- Other Brands
- Other Brands
- Others
- Others
- Paytm Re. 1 Deal
- Popular Brands
- Popular Puzzles
- Popular Shape Mods
- Premium Lube Service
- Puzzles
- Pyraminx (Pyramid Shaped Puzzle )
- Pyraminx Recommendation by Team Cubelelo
- Pyraminx | Skewb | Square-1 | Megaminx | Clock
- QiYi
- Rainbow Balls
- Re-stocked for you!
- Refurbished Cubes
- Robotime Puzzles
- Sale
- Seven Years Sale
- Shape Mods & Pyraminx Mods
- Shape Mods (New)
- Shapeshifter Bundle
- ShengShou
- Shop By
- Shop by Age
- Shop by Brands
- Skewb
- Skewb Recommendation by Team Cubelelo
- Skill Level- Advanced
- Skill Level- Beginner
- Skill Level- Intermediate
- Solve Analysis & Coaching Sessions
- Solve Analysis and Coaching Session
- Spare Parts
- Special Offer
- Special Offer_GAN
- Speed Stacks
- SpeedStacks
- Sponsorship Kit
- Square-1
- Square-1 Recommendation by Team Cubelelo
- Stacking Toys for Kids
- Standard Lube Service
- Summer Special
- Timer and Mats
- Timer Set
- Timers and Mats (New)
- to Set as Draft
- Trending
- Under 399
- Under ₹500
- vinay kapri giveaway
- Weekly Deals
- xSkills
- xSkills
- Xskills (For Offline Events) - DO NOT DELETE
- xSkills Intermediate & Advanced Course Bundles
- xSkills Learning Modules
- YJ
- Your Favorite's Back In Stock!
- yourtoken_all_products
- YuXin
- ₹1,000 to ₹1,999
- ₹2,000 to ₹2,999
- ₹3,000 to ₹4,999
- ₹500 to ₹999
- Drift 3M 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 3x3 Stickerless
- Cubelelo Standard Silicone Cube Lubricant
- Drift Mirror Cube
- Cubelelo Premium Silicone Cube Lubricant
- MoYu MeiLong 3C 3x3
- MoYu RS3M v5 3x3 Cube
- QiYi X-Man Tornado v3 3x3
- Cubelelo Cube Pouch (Pack of 4)
- Drift 2x2 Stickerless
- Cubelelo Cube Stand (Pack of 5)
- Drift 4x4 Stickerless
- Drift Megaminx
- MoYu Super RS3M 3x3 MagLev (Magnetic)
- Drift Pyraminx
- YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic
- Cubicle Labs Lubes
- YJ MGC 2x2 Magnetic
- Drift Cube Timer
- Neodymium Magnets
- MoYu WeiLong WR MagLev 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 4M 4x4 (Magnetic)
- Drift 2M 2x2 (Magnetic)
- Drift 2x2 & 3x3 Cube Gift Box
- GAN 356 RS 3x3 Elite-M (Magnetic)
- Drift Gear 3x3
- Drift 5x5
- YJ MGC 5x5 Magnetic
- Drift 3x3 Keychain
- MFJS MeiLong 3M v2 UV (Magnetic)
- Drift 5-in-1 Beginner Kit
- Drift Megaminx M (Magnetic)
- ShengShou Magnetic Clock
- Drift Square-1
- Drift Mastermorphix
- Cubelelo Magic Rainbow Snake Puzzle
- Drift Calendar Puzzle
- GAN Mirror M (Magnetic)
- Cyclone Boys Metallic 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Cubelelo Cube Cover (Pack of 4)
- Drift Timer & Mat Combo
- Drift Axis, Fisher & Windmill Gift Box
- GAN Pyraminx Magnetic
- MoYu WeiLong WR M Lite 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift Skewb
- Cubelelo Discovery Mat
- MoYu Super RS3M 3x3 Standard (Magnetic)
- QiYi Gift Box
- Drift 3M PLUS 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 5-in-1 Gift Box
- Drift Infinity Cube
- Drift 3x3 & 4x4 Cube Gift Box
- GAN 251 M 2x2 (Magnetic)
- MoYu WeiLong WR M v10 (Magnetic)
- Drift 2x2, 3x3 & 4x4 Cube Gift Box
- Drift 3x3 Keychain
- Twist 3x3
- Drift Pyraminx M (Magnetic)
- Cubelelo Premium Silicone Lube Bundle
- YJ MGC 6x6 Magnetic
- MoYu RS Skewb (Magnetic)
- Drift Axis Cube
- Drift 3M PLUS v2 3x3 (Magnetic) Speed Cube
- GAN 12 MagLev 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 5M 5x5 (Magnetic)
- Drift 7M 7x7 (Magnetic)
- Cubelelo Color Splash Mat
- Cubelelo Windmill Mat
- Drift 6M 6x6 (Magnetic)
- Drift 6x6
- QiYi X-Man Tornado v4 M 3x3
- Drift Carbon Fiber 3x3
- GAN Monster Go Skewb
- Fruit Shaped Puzzles
- Cubelelo Secret Tutorial Cubes Guide Book
- Drift 3x3 Jelly Edition
- YJ MGC Square-1 Magnetic
- Cubelelo Warrior W 3x3 Elite-M (Magnetic)
- Cube Timer Data Cord (3.5mm - 3.5mm)
- QiYi Magnetic Clock
- MoYu WeiLong WR M V9 (Magnetic)
- Drift Windmill Cube
- Drift Puppet Cube
- Cubelelo Standard Silicone Lube Bundle
- GAN Skewb Magnetic
- Drift Fisher Cube
- Drift Column 3x3
- YJ MGC 7x7 (Magnetic)
- GAN 356 M E 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 2x2 Mirror
- Drift Mini Mosaic Cubes
- Drift 3x3 Stickered
- Drift 2x2x3 Cuboid
- Number Sliding Puzzle (Magnetic)
- Drift 3M v2 3x3 (Magnetic)
- QiYi X-Man XT3 v1 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Intermediate Course Bundle
- Twist 4x4
- MoYu AoSu v7 4x4 Magnetic
- Twist 2x2
- Twist 2M 2x2 (Magnetic)
- GAN 356 M E v2 3x3 Frosted
- Drift 2x2 Megaminx
- Twist Pyraminx M (Magnetic)
- QiYi Smart Cube 3x3
- Drift Gear 3x3 v2
- QiYi Smart Timer (Bluetooth)
- Drift 2x2 Stickered
- GAN 15 Maglev 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Beginner's Bliss Bundle
- Drift 2x2, 3x3 & Pyraminx Gift Box
- GAN 14 MagLev 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift Mirror Cube BYOB
- Advanced & Elite Course Bundle
- DaYan GuHong Pro M MagLev 3x3
- Drift 4x4 Stickered
- Drift 4x4 BYOB
- QiYi 9x9 Stickerless
- Drift Pyraminx BYOB
- Drift 2x2 BYOB
- Drift 2x2 Silver Mirror & 3x3 Silver Mirror Gift Box
- Drift Gear 3x3 BYOB
- QiYi M Pro v2 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 4x4 & 5x5 Gift Box
- QiYi FTO (Face Turning Octahedron) Tiled Version
- Drift 3x3 BYOB
- Drift 3M 3x3 (Magnetic) BYOB
- Gift Card
- Drift Rainbow Ball (12 Holes)
- SpeedStacks G4 Mat
- Drift Skewb BYOB
- Drift Square-1 & Skewb Gift Box
- DianSheng Face-Turning Octahedron (Magnetic)
- Twist 3M (Magnetic)
- Drift Mastermorphix BYOB
- MoYu AoChuang v6 5x5 (Magnetic) Speedcube
- Jungle Safari 2-in-1 Magnetic Board Game
- MoYu AI Timer
- Drift 4M 4x4 (Magnetic) BYOB
- Drift Axis Cube v2 BYOB
- MoYu WeiLong Skewb (MagLev)
- Drift Weekday Calendar Puzzle
- Drift Square-1 BYOB
- GAN 14 MagLev PRO UV 3x3 (Magnetic)
- DaYan Megaminx Pro M
- Shape-shifter Ultimate Box v2
- Drift 5x5 BYOB
- Vin Cube 4x4
- Drift 2x2, 3x3 & Silver Mirror Gift Box
- Drift Fisher Cube v2 BYOB
- YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic Speed-Micro Actuator
- Drift Cube Bag
- FanXin HuDong Light 3x3 (Magnetic)
- GAN 562 5x5 Magnetic
- Cubelelo Cube Matrix Mat
- GAN 356 i3 3x3 (Magnetic) Smart Cube
- Drift 2M 2x2 (Magnetic) BYOB
- Drift 2x2, 3x3, Pyraminx & Skewb Gift Box
- Stack & Balance Human Tower
- Drift 3x3, 4x4 & 5x5 Stickerless Gift Box
- GAN Megaminx v2 MagLev (Magnetic)
- Montessori Fun Magnetic Sticker Game
- Drift Skewb, Pyraminx & Square-1 Gift Box
- Drift 5M 5x5 (Magnetic) BYOB
- Drift Pyraminx (Jelly Edition)
- Drift Puppet Cube-II BYOB
- Drift 3x3 & Blue Mirror Gift Box
- QiYi 3x3 Mirror Magnetic (Tiled) Cube
- Maglev Conversion Kit
- MoYu AoFu WRM 7x7 Cube
- Drift 7M 7x7 (Magnetic) BYOB
- MoYu AoShi WRM 6x6 Cube
- QiYi Magnetic Clock (2024 Edition)
- Cubelelo AstroCuber Mat
- Alphabet Learning Board (Wooden)
- Drift 3x3 & Silver Mirror Gift Box
- Cubelelo Standard Silicone Cube Lubricant- Hurricane
- GAN Monster Go v3 3x3 (Magnetic) Cube
- DianSheng Galaxy 8M 8x8 (Magnetic)
- MoYu Super RS3M v2 3x3 Magnetic (Ball-Core + UV Coated)
- 5-in-1 Wooden Puzzle Board
- Brain Booster Essentials Box-1
- Drift Number Sliding Puzzle 4x4 (Magnetic)
- Drift 3x3, 4x4 & Pyraminx Gift Box
- Drift 2x2, 3x3, Pyraminx & Silver Mirror Gift Box
- GAN 356 RS2 3x3
- Drift Rainbow Ball Mini (8 Holes)
- Vin Cube 2x2 (Magnetic)
- QiYi X-Man Hong 5x5
- Brain Booster Ultimate Box
- MoYu WeiLong V10 AI Gyroscope Core Charging
- Speedstacks G5 Pro Timer
- QiYi Warrior Plus 3x3 (18.8 cms)
- Space Blocks (40 Pieces)
- Drift Megaminx v2 BYOB
- Drift 6M 6x6 (Magnetic) BYOB
- Drift Windmill Cube v2 BYOB
- MFJS MeiLong 12x12
- Cubelelo Drift 2x2 Megaminx & 3x3 Megaminx Puzzle Cube Combo
- Drift 3x3 (Pack of 2) Gift Box
- Drift Geometric Weekday Calendar Puzzle
- YuXin HuangLong 13x13
- QiYi X-Man Tornado v4 M 3x3 (Limited Edition)
- YuXin 12 Axis Soccer Megaminx
- QiYi Skewb Diamond
- QiYi Warrior M Pro 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Rainbow Balls Tower
- Drift 3x3, Pyraminx & Blue Mirror Gift Box
- Brain Booster Essentials Box-2
- Wooden Rings Stacking Tower
- Drift Honeycomb Weekday Calendar Puzzle
- MoYu WeiLong Pyraminx Magnetic
- Cyclone Boys Metallic Mirror 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Tim Button Cube (1-Hole, 1/4)
- Evgeniy BubbleMinx
- Cubelelo Speed Cuber Mat
- QiYi QiMing Pyraminx Plus (27.5 cms)
- Brain Booster Elevate Box-3 v2
- Drift Pyraminx M (Magnetic) BYOB
- Drift Megaminx M (Magnetic) BYOB
- GAN Halo Smart Timer
- Spelling Game
- Math Computational Teaching Aid
- QiYi Tiled IVY Cube
- Drift 3x3 Mirror M Tiled (Magnetic)
- Drift 5-in-1 Gift Box (Stickered)
- Drift Puppet Cube I BYOB
- Drift 3x3 Mirror Cube (Tiled)
- DaYan ZhanChi v5 M 3x3 (Magnetic)
- Drift 3x3 Black & 3x3 Stickerless Gift Box
- MoYu RS Magnetic Pyraminx
- Wooden Rainbow Tower
- Drift 3x3, Pyraminx & Silver Mirror Gift Box
- Drift 3x3 & Drift Gear Stickerless Gift Box
- GAN Mosaic Cubes 10x10 (Pack of 100)
- Learn with Fun Maths Kit
- Drift 3x3, Pyraminx Black & Blue Mirror Gift Box
- MoYu Mirror Cube v2 UV (Magnetic)
- DianSheng 2x2 FTO (Magnetic)
- DianSheng Galaxy Master Kilominx (Magnetic)
- MoYu WeiPo v5 2x2 Ball Core UV (Magnetic)
- ShengShou 12x12
- Brain Booster Elevate Box-1
- Brain Booster Essentials Box-3
- Wooden Beads Lacing Game
- Zeal Smart Timer
- MoYu WeiPo v5 AI 2x2 Smart Cube
- YJ MGC EST 3x3
- Letter Matching Card Game
- Drift 3x3, 4x4 & Pyraminx Black Gift Box
- Drift 4x4, 5x5 & 6x6 Bundle
- Locomotive
- DianSheng Galaxy 11M 11x11 (Magnetic)
- QiYi X-Man Spark v2 M 7x7 (Magnetic) Ball-Core
- Drift Premium Wooden Toy Train Set (Magnetic)
- MoYu Super WeiLong v2 3x3 (Magnetic)
- DianSheng Galaxy 9M 9x9 (Magnetic)
- Explore Science Experiment Kit
- Drift 3x3, Pyraminx Black & Silver Mirror Gift Box
- DianSheng Galaxy 10M 10x10 (Magnetic)
- Drift 3M v3 3x3 (Magnetic)
- QiYi 9M 9x9 (Magnetic) Ball-Core
- MoYu Super WeiLong v2 AI Gyroscope Smart Cube
- Drift Premium Simulation Tool Box Kit (34 Pieces)
- ShengShou Master Pyraminx
- ShengShou 5x5 Magic Tower
- Lanlan Master Skewb
- LanLan Octahedron
- Space Blocks (30 Pieces)
- QiYi Display Pro
- Swift Block WiSlide Smart Klotski Puzzle
- Drift Four Color Sliding and Sorting Game
- Drift 5 Column Sort & Stack Puzzle
- ShengShou 6x6 Magic Tower
- YuXin HuangLong 17x17 Stickerless
- QiYi Warrior Plus Max Box 3x3 (38 cms)
- Brain Booster Elevate Box-2
- Cubelelo Drift 2x2 Black & 2x2 Silver Mirror Combo
Blog Posts
- Solving Challenges: Common Problems and How to Overcome Them in Speedcubing
- Rubik's Cube Basics: Everything You Need to Know
- PLL and OLL Made Simple: Techniques for Better Solving
- 5 Tips to Solve Rubik’s Cube Under One Minute | Beginner’s Guide
- A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Cube Sizes and Types
- Mastering Rubik’s Cube Terminology: A Simple Guide
- How to Choose Your First Rubik’s Cube?: A Beginner’s Guide
- Why Solving a Rubik's Cube is a Skill Everyone Should Learn?
- Understanding the Different Types of Rubik’s Cubes: A Guide to WCA Events
- How to Solve the First Two Layers (F2L) Like a Pro?
- Comparing the Best 3x3 Speedcubes of 2024: Which One Should You Main?
- Customizability, Speed, and Feel : Tornado v4, WeiLong v10, and GAN 15 Compared
- Best Gifts for Thinkers and Tinkerers: Rubik’s Cubes for Christmas
- 6 Best Rubik's Cube for Beginners
- Advanced Roux Method Strategies: Tips to Sharpen Your Solving Skills
- How to Avoid Getting Stuck on the Last Layer of a Rubik’s Cube?
- MoYu WeiLong WR M V10 v/s QiYi X-Man Tornado v4: Which Flagship Is A Better Choice?
- How to Improve Your Speed in Solving a Rubik’s Cube?: 6 Important Tips
- Solving a Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded: Techniques and Tips for Beginner Cubers
- Fun Cube Tricks You Can Learn to Impress Your Friends
- Why Rubik’s Cubes are the perfect Stress Reliever for both Kids and Adults?
- From Cubes to Board Games: The Best Toys for Cognitive Development
- Why Speedcubing Is the Ultimate Challenge for Teens?
- Why Rubik's Cube is the Ideal Solution for Busy Parents?
- Techniques to Help Kids Stay Present and Engaged
- How to Scramble a Rubik's Cube: A Comprehensive Guide
- Customizing Your Puzzle Cube: Stickers, Lubricants, and More
- How to Create Your Own Puzzle Cube Challenges at Home?
- How to Introduce Educational Toys to Your Child?
- DIY Fun Activities: Creating Learning Tools from Everyday Items
- How To Clean Your Cube?
- Math Made Fun: Games and Activities to Make Numbers Exciting
- Active Games to Keep Kids Moving and Learning
- Daily Life Things That Can Ruin Your Kid's Minds
- Educational Fun Learning Indoor Games : Ages 6-8
- Educational Fun Learning Indoor Games : Age 8 + years
- Educational Fun Learning Indoor Games : Ages 3-6
- Must-Have Accessories for Speedcubers at Competitions
- How to Solve a Gear Cube?
- The Psychology Behind Puzzle Solving: What Drives Our Love for Challenges?
- Is there any kind of bad impact of Rubik's cube on Health?
- Brain Foods that Enhance Puzzle Solving Skills : The Cuber’s Diet
- How Solving a Rubik's Cube Can Relieve Mental Stress?
- 5 Benefits of Solving Rubik's Cube in Your Daily Life
- 10 Most Effective Exercises for Cube Solvers to Become Fast
- Top 10 Mind Games for Kids
- The Best Age to Start Solving Rubik's Cube
- How to Assemble a 5x5 Rubik's Cube?
- How to Assemble a 4x4 Rubik's Cube?
- How to Assemble a 3x3 Rubik's Cube?