best 2x2 speed cube

Speed cubes are a great way to key in your concentration and complete focus. However, today there are a vast array of speed cubes to choose from. From turning and corner-cutting features - all the way to catching and lockups, the new and updated magnetic speed cubes are designed for perfect deliverability. Here are some of the best 2x2 speed cube reviews.

1. QiYi X-Man Flare

best 2x2 cubes


The X-Man Flare is the all-new magnetic 2x2 Cube by QiYi sub-brand, X-Man Designs. The Flare cube is the first of its kind to feature adjustable magnets. The adjustable switches are located in the green, red, white pieces. The QiYi X-Man Flare uses three different magnetic settings based on the positions of the switches. The Cube comes with a very elegant and creative moving system. This cube is best for Intermediate and pro solvers.

Check out this review of the QiYi X-Man Flare with Naren Ramesh, a WCA player on the Cubelelo_Official YouTube channel. 

2. QiYi MS 2x2

best 2x2 cubes

The QiYi MS 2x2 is a magnetic 2x2 that has been designed for performance. The Cube is extremely light-weight and quick to turn around. It is suitable for beginners and intermediate cubers. The Cube is designed with non-toxic ABS materials and comes in long-lasting, non-fading stickers. The QiYi MS 2x2 is the first of the all-new ‘MS’ series launched by QiYi. 

3. Meilong 2M

The Meilong 2M is a 2x2 magnetic speed cube. The Cube is designed for great performance with a light magnetic feel. The magnetics add to the fast turning, stability and great control. It is a great cube for beginners as well as intermediate cube solvers. The Cube features the Meilong frosted stickless surface and delivers solid cubing performance. 

4. MGC 2 Elite 2x2

best budget 2x2

The MGC 2 Elite cube is the second Cube launched in the MGC Elite series. The Cube features the first of its kind 2x2 centre and edge magnetic mechanism. This mechanism is innovative and offers great control and stability. The MGC 2 Elite 2x2 is a great cube if you aim at reducing your personal best solve time with ease. The Cube is light-weight with smooth corner-cutting which makes it a must buy product for pro solvers.

5. GAN 251 M

best 2x2 rubik's cube

The GAN 251 M is the newest 2x2 speed cube from GAN. It comes with great features like corner-cutting, matte finish and magnetic strength that gives it an airy feel. The small size makes the puzzle all the more controllable, thereby giving a better solving experience. It is a must buy product for advance level cubers.

6. YJ MGC 2x2

best budget 2x2 speed cube

The YJ MGC 2x2 is a fast and flexible magnetic 2x2 speed cube. It is designed to deliver a relatively strong magnetic feel. The Cube offers very smooth and light turnings that make it a favourite among intermediate and as well as professional solvers. The friction between the surface of the corner block and the surface of the outer casing ensures smooth integration and improves the overall stability of the Cube.



With this list, you can scout through the huge array of options and choose the Cube whose features you like the most. You can always make the most of Cube accessories to make your solving experience a smooth one! Check out the official Cubelelo website for more cubing products!


srivyas bk

srivyas bk

the rs2m, yuxin little magic, gan 251 m pro, yj mgc 2×2 and x-man flare are better

Mel Valenzuela

Mel Valenzuela

You should add the Gan 249 v2 non magnetic

Ur mom 2.0

Ur mom 2.0

Would the rs2m 2022 be better than any of these

ur mom

ur mom

dont forget the Valk 2M

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